Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Christmas, LBDs and the TGirl

Christmas is a time for putting on the style and TGirls love donning their glad rags.  The “LBD” (Little Black Dress) has become something of a wardrobe staple –the go to party dress that can be easily accessorised to give it a fresh look.  Given too that it can be worn by women of all ages (if not necessarily all shapes) and that it can hug a reasonable figure to flattering effect (especially where industrial strength shapewear provides the necessary underpinning) it is not surprising that it has also achieved an iconic status. 

The photos with this blog post show me and my LBD (but, thankfully, not my shapewear).

Happy Christmas to Everyone 

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Choosing Names

T-Girls are in the fortunate position of being able to pick their names.  Sometimes, the chosen name can relate to a girl they really like or a woman who had a positive influence on them in terms of developing their feminine side.  In other situations, the name might be what they believe they would have been called if they had been born biologically female.  In many cases, however, it is simply a feminisation of their male first name which has the added advantage that the retention of the initial can help with credit cards etc.  That's how I came up with Pamela after considering Petra (too dog like), Petunia (too flower like), Prudence (too fussy) and Pandora (altogether too hopeful).  Having said that, other considerations were high on my list of factors to consider: including, not picking a name that would sound silly when I was a silver haired old lady in her late 70s.  That's why such wonderful monikers as Kylie, Pixie, Jasmine, and Trixibelle was never really serious options.  On reflection, maybe I should have gone with Elizabeth as you are never too young to be a Beth or too old to be a Betty.