Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Exploring themes of femininity

I like to explore themes of femininity and aspects of womanhood.  In doing so, I love to venture outside the box of conventional wisdom.  With seven billion people on the planet, one would think that trying to fit everyone neatly and conveniently into two gender categories would be seen as unduly diversity restrictive.  On the other, some might think two genders an unnecessary luxury borne of self indulgence.  After all, too many religions has caused nothing but trouble throughout history.  

A single gender world might also prove a welcome cure for that most troubling of societal evils: namely, transgenderism -where the individuals involved are not content to be one gender but have the impertinence to want to express both and be accepted for it!

Would transgenderism exist if there was only one gender?  We could still have the two biological sexes but the sociological construct that is gender would be reformulated to remove the wasteful distinctions between masculine and feminine.

No more pink for girls and blue for boys: but yellow for everyone.  Skirts and trousers would be abolished to be replaced by something inspired by Amelia Bloomer but not so pretty.  Names would be gender neutral: Ron and Rita would be Ronita (to ensure parity of esteem for the previous names) and Frances and Francis would be no longer be differentiated by the "i" and the "e" but brought together by the "o".  All nurses would wear scrubs......hang on -they already do.

Would it work?  Probably, if it was done with sufficient vigour by a sufficient number of zealots and never underestimate the number of zealots ready to pursue a noble cause or any cause for that matter.  However, the world would be a poorer place because the positives of gender diversity that bring colour to life would be swallowed up in the shallowness of a new uniformity that somehow seems eerily similar to the philosophies of 1984.

Until that day, then, when everyone is equal with perhaps some more equal than others (and I know that I am moving between Orwell books), here's some photos of me being gender diverse in fun way that will make the uniformists mad -well. madder than they already are!!!